Saturday, October 3, 2009

Yes, it is weird.

Colby is having a "re-charge" day out of the house, so today the computer is MINE...all mine!  Hahahaha!! (insert evil laughter here).   I am feeling a lot better myself and don't think I'll even need the doctor's appointment that is scheduled for Wednesday.  The IMB nurse thinks that I might be anemic, so I will get my blood checked still.  We spent the day yesterday rearranging furniture, organizing, and I been hitting up the Icelandic version of Goodwill almost daily trying to find things to make this place cozier.

We are finally settling in.  Part of settling in for me is writing.  I love to blog and record our chronological order.  There are many blog posts that I have written in my head, but never have been documented.  One of my winter projects is to carve out time to write all the stories before they become forgotten memories.  Colby thinks that my little trick of "back-posting" is completely illogical, but someday when we go back and read our whole story (in chronological order!), he'll be thankful.  I guess I have to send links to the posts if I want anyone to enjoy them, but then again, they are not so much for an audience as they are for me.  Regardless, below (posted September 21st)  is a post from London.  Enjoy...


Pelt Family said...

yes, you must blog a link to post date blog entries. I love reading the blog but I will probably not review two years of blogs daily to search for the new one.

beckers said...

i love it!

so i have some encouragement for you Colby and Annie.
i was reading your spitting blog to a friend who is a missions major here who i am hanging out with. (i thought it was hilarious so i thought id share the laughs). and i began to share with her ya'lls journey to Iceland. She was greatly encouraged by it all and really by, well i told her bout what you had told me, annie, about how you decided to do the ESOL major in college from missions major, and how colby was a youth pastor and well. yeah she was just greatly encouraged. hard to explain, ill do better later if you dont understand. just know that your faithfullness to the Lord is encouraging people when you dont even know it!
love you!

Elizabeth said...

Hello Annie & Colby~
I saw your family pic on the fridge when we were visiting Jason & Tracee last weekend. I thought of your family in prayer as I know you are trusting God on your Iceland Mission Journey. I promise to pray for you as you follow God's Will. May God Bless You Richly. Annie, I thought I was the only one who back posted blogs. I do it for myself in order to keep up and not forget.
Keep it up, you will be glad you did! With Love, Nanee (Jason's Mom)

Anonymous said...

I am a girl who likes Chronological also...and I keep journals...I print out my blogs...and save photos...and also scrapbook...So, I know what you mean...I couldn't find the link to the blog in London. And I thought I was maybe alone in the "Writing blogs in your head"...Thank you for assuring me I am not :)