Sunday, April 20, 2008

House Church

Colby and I have a couple more stories from our amazing week to share. Our last night at the interview conference, we were instructed to gather for a church service with our small group as if we were in a closed country. The members of our group staggered in every five minutes, one at a time, to our dorm room. We gathered, with the shades drawn, on the floor of our room and began to conduct a service in a whisper. None of us had never sung in a whisper before and we couldn't help but laugh. It was humbling, however, to think of people all around the world actually having to have Bible study like that. We were only allowed to have one Bible (since Bibles are scarce in some parts of the world), and since we were all whispering you can imagine how hard it was to understand each other. We prayed for persecuted Christians all around the world and for the people we would share the gospel with in the future. It was a very powerful time and Colby and I both agreed that our church should try this set-up for a church service some time. I suggested a Wednesday night with the youth, and Colby thought a Sunday morning would be even better! I had never taken time to think so seriously about how fortunate we are to be Christians living in a free church was a great, eye-opening activity.

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