First Off, I have neglected to give all the essentials details that people ask for when a baby is born. So here goes, Gracie Kane Garman was born at 11:09PM on August 9th, 2010. She weighed 7lbs. 3 oz (that's 3.25 kg for my Icelandic friends) and was 20 inches long.
The doctors have scheduled Gracie's surgery for Tuesday at 12:00PM. The surgery will take 2-3 hours and is pretty much a miracle of modern medicine. The doctors will be placing a 3.5mm shunt on ridiculously small arteries and sewing it on with thread that is not visible to the naked eye. Her heart itself is only the size of a plumb. The surgery will be open-heart and she will have to go on a blood bypass, so it is a pretty intense deal.
We are so thankful for the great team of doctors and surgeons here at UVA that have helped us prepare for the upcoming week. We really feel like God has directed us to a great place where we can feel as comfortable as possible with this vulnerable situation. We have certainly sensed God's sustaining grace in the past few days and have really been able to enjoy seeing our little girl without feeling overwhelmed with anxiety and fears.
Thank you to all of you who have prayed for us these past few days and for all of the kind words of encouragement and celebration. Please continue to pray for little Gracie and the rest of the family as we get ready for Tuesday.
Hey, Gracie was born 8/9/10 at 11 (and almost was 11:12) How cool is that?
Þið eru allar þrjár svo fallegar!
Þú lítur svo vel út Annie og Gracy er lítill víkingur að sjá, enda bjó Guð hana til á Íslandi!
Drottinn veri með ykkur öllum og styrki litlu Gracy fyrir aðgerðina.
Ykkur er allra sárt saknað.
Guðrún, Helgi og Jóhanna
What a beautiful picture!!! hugs and kisses from Miami :-)
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